David Miller, S/V QUESTOR

DJM Questor Software

Host: Club Cruceros, La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
Base: DJM Questor Software


The Entity

DJM Questor Software is a "Not For Profit" entity.

David J. Miller is the creator and owner of DJM Questor Software.

The purpose of "DJM Questor Software" is to identify a group of free boating related software that the owner has produced for his own use and makes available to the general public in the event the software might be useful to others.

The DJM Questor Software programs are distributed through the Club Cruceros of La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico hosting website "http://www.ClubCruceros.net".

The owner is retired, writes the software as a hobby, and lives on his sailboat Questor.

The Owner

Author: Ghost