DJM Questor Software
Host: Club Cruceros, La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
Base: DJM Questor Software
MarinePlotter Version-4 Release History
See also: Known Problems.
Released program versions:
To determine the version of your installed copy, select the program "Help" menu "About" command.
The About Dialog will display the version number.
Version 4,0,13
- Added Voice option to the AIS Simulator form.
- Added Ocean, Coastline, Approach, Harbour, Local, Radius options to the Proximity Alarm form.
You can set the radius value for each mode and later select the mode instead of constantly adjusting the radius value.
- Fixed the CPA alarm condition detection from distance AND time to distance OR time.
The program was supposed to raise an alarm if either distance or time failed.
- Fixed the CPA preset radius methods so they also preset a minimum time.
- In the Depth Alarm form, the DEPARE alarm default value is unchecked to reduce the false alarms.
- To ignore false alarms, set the default value of intermittent lost signal timer to 5-seconds in the AIS and GPS Alarm forms.
- to ignore false alarms, set the default SOG value to 0.5 seconds in the CPA and Proximity Alarm forms.
- Fixed the GPS log. The first fix and lost fix events were not consistantly recorded.
The log now records the events: enabled, opened, detected, ... , closed, and disabled.
- Fixed the GPS log for AIS events as above.
Version 4,0,12
- Fixed an error in the Object Display Filter form for the MARINER'S object display mode.
The [X] column rows of the table were sometimes set to readonly and the [Tx] column values
were not set to readonly.
- Fixed an error drawing ENC, MCG, and NCV depth contour (DEPCNT) lines.
If the depth contour value (VALDCO) is less than the Min-Safe depth alarm value,
the program will draw a dark line (DEPSC); otherwise,
the program will draw a faint gray line (CHGRF).
- Fixed the ENC, MCG, RNC, and IMG menu Graphical chart selector commands.
The commands opened the selector but failed to cause the selector to draw the chart rectangles.
On the otherhand, the same command on the catalogue forms worked correctly.
- Revised the Display menu and the Auto-scale settings form.
The overview, approach, and harbour scales are now in the new Overview, General, Coastline, Approach, Harbour, Berthing group.
- Fixed the following method so that if the center of the screen does not change,
the Not Following form is not displayed.
Version 4,0,11
- For a new installation, the Meta data, Sector lights, Sounds, and Text are disabled to minimize plot clutter and confusion for the startup STANDARD display mode.
- Removed the text filter from the Object Display Filter form.
The program now uses one file for both object and text filters.
- Removed the Filters button from the Object Display Filter form.
The program displays the filter file name on the form.
- Added a Tutorials link to the Help menu.
- Moved the Downloads link from the Xtools menu to the Help menu.
- Fixed a tile drawing error. If you had tiles off, zoomed-in, and then turned-on the tiles,
the program would not draw the tiles in the correct location because of a float-to-decimal scaling error.
- Fixed the F1 Help key command of the Not For Navigation Warning form.
- Fixed the Help menu Navigation warning command for a
Not For Navigation Warning form object disposed error.
- Changed the program settings update method.
The program should automatically update from the prior version settings.
This change is to eliminate a confusing "update or else" prompt.
- Added a long time overlooked How to create an geo-referenced image (IMG) help topic to the MarinePlotter documentation.
- Added a Copy coordinate command to the MarinePlotter plot context menu.
Added a Paste button to the IMG Coordinate form.
Paste the copy into the C1 or C2 values of the IMG Coordinate form to geo-reference the image.
- Fixed a Select all error in the Graphical Chart Selector form.
- Added new options to the RNC or IMG warning form to ignore sub-class errors Transverse Mercator, Polyconic, Fathoms, Feet, and NAD83 datum.
- Fixed the Display menu Follow vessel -> Centered command.
If the vessel moved 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees True, the plot was not adjusted because of a bad (dx,dy) check.
- Added three Depth Alarm option check boxes for depth area, contour, and soundings.
In general, you might need to turn off the depth area alarm because the depth area alarm uses the minimum depth value for the whole area:
The minimum depth value can hide depth values when the program checks the vessel's min-safe value against charted local depth contours or depth soundings.
Version 4,0,10
- Fixed the ENC Chart Catalogue Initialize menu command so the command computes the chart rectangles.
Some free Mediterranean charts do not have a catalogue.
The catalogue chart rectangles are needed for the Graphical Chart Selector.
- Fixed the program so it displays the GoogleMaps attribution link only when the display of the tiles is enabled.
- Added to the Named Locations form File menu the Download samples command.
The command will open your web-browser to the public folder containing sample geo-name files for download.
- Fixed a missed AIS to ownship proximity alarm. If the AIS alarm radius was less than the ownship alarm radius,
the program would fail to detect the AIS object in the ownship alarm radius.
The program now tests the ownship and the AIS object separation against the maximum of the alarm radius of the both objects.
- Fixed the IMG Header Editor disabled REM buttons.
- Automatic tile downloading now works with the Xtools menu Test all charts commands.
- Fixed an RNC orientation error for US charts.
This was working correctly but was corrupted by an alignment error fix in release 4,0,8.
- Fixed a Test all charts RNC display error following an automatic tile download.
The satellite image displayed but not the chart.
- Fixed an RNC load error wherein the program would get stuck in an endless loop if the RNC bitmap was defective.
Some old French RNCs will plot top-down with a black lower defective part.
- Fixed the GPS Simulation form opening location.
The form always opened center-screen and not where it was saved.
- Fixed a GPS Simulation start.
The vessel speed did not increase from 0 until the speed limit was manually changed.
Version 4,0,9
- Fixed a zip-file date to table date comparison error in the ENC and RNC update methods.
- Fixed the invalid DTG value of the Navigation Bar.
Also, the remaining distance was displayed only after the vessel moved past the first route point.
- Fixed an error that caused the program to incorrectly place the World Pilot Charts.
- Fixed an MCG chart coverage rectangle drawing error.
- Fixed an ENC and MCG missed depth alarm condition check.
- Fixed an ENC missed point and line proximity alarm condition check.
- Removed from the ENC menu the Auto-build and Build commands. When an ENC opens, build occurs automatically.
- Added Download samples commands to the MCG menu and to the NCI, and NCV sub-menus of the Tiles menu.
These commands will open the default web-browser to the download pages for the respective samples.
- Fixed an RNC drawing error.
The wrong boundary data was used to determine if part of the chart was visible in the window.
The program would draw the chart only if about 40% or more was visible.
- Fixed a chart object proximity alarm.
Chart objects were not detected after a prior change dealing with AIS proximity detection.
Version 4,0,8
- Fixed an error in the Image Header Editor form that hid the File menu.
- Fixed errors that corrupted the image header file so the image chart would not display.
- Fixed an error in the RNC Align form chart drag and drop methods.
- Fixed an error in the IMG Align form chart drag and drop methods.
- Revised the program update method to ensure the program will run even if the prior configuration file is bad or missing.
To update the program, un-install the old version and install the new version as before.
When you run the new version the first time,
the program will ask if you want to update the program from the prior version's config-file.
You should answer Yes.
If the program cannot update from a prior config-file; and, if you created a backup config-file using the Xtools menu command,
then the program will ask if you want to update from your backup config-file.
If the program cannot update its config-file, the program will behave as a new installation.
- Fixed the program startup problem for a new installation wherein the plot initialization failed.
The program did not create the drawing bitmap, and did not display the basic coastline, charts, tiles, or vessel positions.
If the you resized the MarinePlotter form, the program would then created the bitmap and plot the data correctly.
Version 4,0,7
This release addresses GoogleMaps tile download problems and adds changes to the tile download command format.
Please report any problems you might encounter as a consequence of these changes at
""; Subject: MarinePlotter 4,0,7; Contact: David.
These changes are needed to help prevent GoogleMaps tile download abuse.
Reference: Usage Limits.
The purpose of creating a GoogleMaps tile cache with the MarinePlotter is to improve safety at sea by providing a GoogleMaps off-line capability
for those who do not have Internet access aboard their vessel. Please do not abuse the GoogleMaps Terms of Service:
Download only the image tiles you need for your travels away from the Internet.
- Added an adjustable GoogleMaps tile download rate limit (default 20 tiles per second) because the program could otherwise request tiles at too fast a rate.
A high tile download request rate can cause GoogleMaps to issue a denial of service to prevent abuse.
- Changed the GoogleMaps tile download instructions to use GoogleMaps' more secure tile access command format.
The format is also less sensitive to tile version number changes in that it will always download the latest version.
- Added to the GoogleMaps (Basic) Tile Cache Manager form error count labels and a download limit check.
If limits are exceeded, the program will display the count with a lightPink colored background.
If the daily download limit exceeds 25000 tiles, the program will issue a warning message with options to continue anyway or to quit.
If you elect to continue downloading tiles, the program will reset the counters.
If you do not receive any new tiles but instead receive many 403 (forbidden) errors, you have probably exceeded the daily download limit or the download rate was too high.
To determine if tiles areavailable, click the error count box to open the download status check form.
The check will enable you to open the GoogleMaps web-site to the current plot location and scale.
if the site is down, if tiles are not available, or if other problems exists.
If the GoogleMaps plot displays the location image, then you need to wait 24-hours before downloading more tiles to the MarinePlotter.
- Removed tile download error messages from the error log because they could easily fill the log.
The Tile Cache Manager form now displays 403, 404, 405 and other error counts and tile download time-out counts (see above.)
- Added a GoogleMaps tile download status check for when the program encounters a lot of locations where GoogleMaps does not have any tiles.
When a tile download requires an un-expected amount of time (typical 10-seconds to download a tile,)
the program will display an option to view the GoogleMaps web page to determine if you need to cancel the tile download process.
For more information, refer to the Help topic for the Tile Download Check form.
- On 64-bit machines, the World Magnetic Model (WMM) requires the 32-bit C++ Redistributable (x86).
The redistributable contains the mfc129du.dll reported as missing when you enabled the magnetic model in the GPS Fix data form.
This MarinePlotter version will install the 32-bit redistributable if not already installed on the computer.
- Added "MarinePlotter is shutting down" status because some shutdown operations can take several seconds before the program window closes.
- Changed the Basic tile not found message to GoogleMaps tile not found for clarification and attribution.
Version 4,0,6
- Fixed the coastline not enabled error. For a new installation the default coastline data should be drawn.
The coastline data load was accidentally disabled.
- Fixed a first run error wherein the program prompted if you wanted to update from a non-existent prior version.
This error was related to the installation error of version 4,0,5 (noted below.)
- Fixed an AIS proximity alarm error.
For stationary AIS targets, the alarm did not clear when the user reduced the alarm radius of the AIS target in the AIS Display Filter form table.
If you adjust the alarm radius until an alarm is raised and then reduce the radius,
the program will now clear the alarm when your vessel is outside the AIS alarm zone.
Version 4,0,5
- Fixed a major error that prevented a new installation of the MarinePlotter from running.
I detected the problem when installing the MarinePlotter program on a computer running the Windows Vista operating system.
The error can occur only for a new installation:
Users updating an existing MarinePlotter installation will not experience the problem because the defective code is not used.
Version 4,0,4
- Fixed the XTools menu XYZ Soundings file reader.
The program once again can display xyz-soundings.
- You can now optionally download tiles automatically when "Follow vessel" is enabled.
In prior versions, automatic tile download was disabled because it can interfer
with updating the plotted vessel position.
- Removed the "Hide alarm . . ." option from the AIS Signal form.
Added a "No AIS alarm . . ." option to the Proximity Alarm form.
- Fixed an AIS simulation input socket blocking and disconnect error that caused a "Lost AIS signal" error.
- Fixed the RNC Catalogues menu Get chart scales command.
- Fixed errors in the IMG Catalogue Initialize and Save-as menu commands.
- Changed the Graphical Chart Selector zoom-in limit from 16 to 21.
- Revised the AIS Simulator Table menu commands.
Deleted the Data menu.
Fixed several errors in the MMSI manual creation option of the AIS Simulator.
Version 4,0,3
- Changed the GPS Signal Data form so it displays only the active satellites and signal strengths.
The prior versions continued to list the no longer visible satellites until they where over written with new satellite data.
- Fixed the 2015 World Magnetic Model (WMM) calculator. The program no longer uses the EGM9615.bin file.
- Fixed an AIS Aid to Navigation object latitude position error.
- Enabled the Alarms menu Silence alarms command. A change in a prior release disabled it.
- Fixed the program so it will displays AIS objects when the GPS is disabled.
The prior versions used the GPS position scan radius to determine which AIS objects to evaluate and display.
- Fixed the CPA detector so it announces the closest of multiple target alarms.
- Fixed the CPA detector so it works when the Proximity alarm is disabled.
- Revised the form settings save method because the MarinePlotter COPY saved some form setting changes.
The COPY is not supposed to save any setting changes.
- Changed the running of the MarinePlotter COPY so it does not change registry values.
- Fixed the GPS clock form display. An unsaved value caused a DISABLED clock state.
Version 4,0,2
- False virus report fixed.
Avast reports, 11 January 2015, that they have fixed the Web Shield problem
that prevented the download of the "MarinePlotter Setup.exe" file from the web-site.
Reference: Known Problems.
- Added IComparable to an MCG object to fix an object an comparison error.
- Added the Plot-All button to the Name Locations form and removed the Plot button.
- Fixed an error in the NCV bin-file soundings reader that created invalid (large number) sounding values in the NCV tiles.
You must either disable the display of the NCV tile soundings or you must recreate the NCV tiles to remove the erroneous sounding values (i.e. 81576345.)
- During the creation of NCV tiles, the program will disable Waypoints, AIS, and GPS.
You must manually re-enable these items when needed.
- Fixed a ENC, MCG, RNC, and IMG catalogue automatic load error. The catalogue selection drop down box was not properly initialized.
- Fixed a problem with the MCG Edit Attribute Value text box that made data entry clumsy.
- Fixed the Object Query form so it works correctly with NCV tile objects.
- Fixed an ENC, MCG, and NCV text drawing error. Text was not drawn because the text display list was cleared before the text was drawn.
- Fixed the AIS Proximity Alarm behavior. The alarm now occurs only when entering and approaching the alarm zone.
The alarm will clear when departing and exiting from the alarm zone.
- Fixed a plot blinking problem that occurred when displaying NCV tiles with your centered and moving vessel or with AIS targets.
- Fixed a sycronization problem with the zoom-in and out method. Under some conditions when the plot scale changed,
the program did not redraw the chart and overlays but would correctly draw the vessel and AIS target positions. The consequence was that the
vessel appeared in the wrong chart position because the unscaled chart view remained under the scaled vessel position..
- Revised the GPS and AIS alarm forms, methods, and menu commands.
- Removed the [i] INFORM button from the plot tool bar.
Version 4,0,1
- Removed the Automatic command from the MCG menu. The method did not work well and at times could be incredibly slow.
If you work with lots of MCG charts one a regular basis, you might consider converting them to NCI or NCV tiles.
- Added the Download charts command to the Xtools menu of the MarinePlotter.
The command opens an internet browser to the MarinePlotter's public sample charts on Microsoft's OneDrive file storage system.
You can download the zip-files from within the MarinePlotter program.
For more information, see the Sample Charts Browser help topics and relate chart installation instructions.
Version 4,0,0
This MarinePlotter version contains the addition of an experimental tiling system for Nautical Chart Vector (NCV) Tiles.
The Help file contains information on the NCV menu commands and related forms.
The updated MarinePlotter download page contains a link to sample NCV tiles for Southeast Asia, the United States, and Panama.
This is work in progress, is incomplete and is subject to change or deletion.
This MarinePlotter version contains the 2015 World Magnetic Model (WMM) coefficient file update good for the next 5-years.
Other changes (not including numerous minor tweaks) follow as:
- The MCG catalogue file data format has changed. You will need to get new catalogue.
- Changed the Graphical Chart Selector form.
When the mouse is over a chart rectangle, the program will color the rectangle
- red if you can select the chart,
- yellow if the chart is already selected, and
- green if the chart is already opened.
You can now select for opening all windowed charts within the plot window, by area range, or by chart scale.
You an unselect individual charts. You can selectively close charts.
- Changed the vessel track recording method to eliminate inline points and enable the use of a small step size without recording additional inline points.
The program does not draw track segments until the length of the segment exceeded the minimum recording step size.
The default step size is now 0.01 nms and the default deviation is now 1 nm.
- Fixed a coordinate string conversion error in the method of the MCG menu Automatic command.
- Fixed CM93 conversion error for line objects ZEMCNT changed to DEPCNT VALDCO 0.
- Fixed CM93 conversion error for point objects _extgn changed to BCNCAR BCNSHP 5.
- Fixed a "Resume from sleep" error that prevented the program from resuming from a sleep mode when the GPS was enabled.
You might still experience problems restoring the program from a sleep state if your GPS receivers does support a sleep mode.
- Fixed the MCG coverage Create -> Custom cell menu command.
- Removed the Tile Cache Converter form and related help topics.
- Added the NCV command to the Tiles menu.
Refer to the Nautical Chart Vector (NCV) Tiles help topics via a general NCV help topic search.
- Fixed the CM93 to MCG conversion MCG Validate form.
When the program converts hundreds of cells, the list is impractical for the MCG Validate drop down list box.
As such, the form is no longer opened after a conversion.
See the MCG Validate Help topic for the Xtools menu.
- Fixed errors in the NCI tile scanning method (Tiles menu Scan all tiles command.)
Also, the program now draws scaled tile location rectangles instead of 1-by-1 rectangles.
- Added to the MCG menu the Automatic command.
If checked, the program will automatically open and close MCG files. The MCG catalog must list all MCG files.
For more information, refer to the MCG menu Automatic command Help topic.
- Fixed errors in the Xtools menu Configuration command.
Some menu items were still displayed even though the related class was disabled in the Configuration form.
- Changed the Xtools menu ETOP01 command to XYZ soundings and
revised the Help file to include how to download soundings files. The XYZ-soundings feature is still work in progress.
- Fixed the drawing method for the Earth Topology depth soundings.
- Added support for multiple program settings backup files with user specified file names for different program startup preferences.
See the MarinePlotter Xtools menu User settings Help topics.
- Removed the program development and obsolete code and Xtools menu Vector nodes and Records commands.
- Fixed a false error message about a "counter-clock-wise area" generated during the creation of a MCG catalogue.
- Fixed the [C?] information picker for MCG chains. The chains were not drawn.
- Changed the View Open Charts form so two or more files with the same name
but different folders can be individually selected.
In the prior versions, if two entries were of the same type and name,
the program used the 1st entry values.
- Fixed several MCG file drawing errors for DEPARE objects.
- Fixed several CM93 to MCG conversion errors for DEPARE objects.
- Fixed the Flat checkbox so it's position moves with the right edge of the CM93 to MCG form when resizing the form.
Update/Release history version-3.